Friday, May 2, 2008

How to Do Some Easy Chair Yoga Stretches

Mar 26, 2012
We are under the gun and deal with more stress each and every day. More deadlines keep us confined to our desk chair and much of the day to day activities of business are being conducted via e-mail, the computer-fax, the palm pilot, texting via phone, or blackberry, video conferencing, telecommuting, there are various updates, and a constant exchange of data and very little time for breaks and then many of us are eating our lunch without ever leaving our desk.

It’s no wonder that we have more complaints than ever about poor circulation, aching back, stiff neck, tired legs, and the lack of mobility, flexibility, and an unfocused mind. We never leave our desk or that office chair!

Well good news for you. I have a few great stretches that can be done in the chair or in and around the chair. It takes anywhere from 3-7 minutes of your time. Do you think you can spare a few minutes? Great! Let’s get started. Over the next few weeks I’m going to show you many easy stretches that you can do right at your desk. Let’s start with some:

easy and good ones for the back:

Easy back stretches:
(Spinal Twist)

Step One: Push your chair back from your desk for the time of stretching.

Step Two: Uncross your legs and sit with your legs slightly open, which is chair or hip width. Put your feet solidly on the ground. Your hands can rest on the tops of your thighs for now. During the stretching please breathe in and out through your nose only.

Step Three: Take your LEFT hand and cross it to your right knee. Now take your right hand and hold firmly to the back of the chair. Push your left hand against your right knee, and twist your body. You will look over your right shoulder. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs

Switch Sides--
Step Four: Take your RIGHT hand and cross it to your Left knee. Now take your Left hand and hold firmly to the back of the chair. Push your right hand against your left knee, and twist your body. You will look over your left shoulder. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose as you can. Release and put your hands back on your legs. You can repeat for as long as you need to. It helps to release the spine and back.

New Stretch:
(Bending to the Side)

Step One: Sit with your legs slightly open, which is chair or hip width. Put your feet solidly on the ground

Step Two: Take your RIGHT hand and place it on the chair seat beside your leg. Hold on to what you find there. You may have to shift in your seat to get some chair space on the side of you.

Step Three: Take your Left hand and arm, and bring it over your head towards your right side. Bending now to the right, and extending your arm and palm of your hand down towards the floor near your RIGHT side. You are stretching the left side of your body and back with this stretch by bending over to the right. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs. You can repeat for as long as you need to.

Switch Sides--
Step Four: Take your LEFT hand and place it on the chair seat beside your leg. Hold on to what you find there. You may have to shift in your seat to get some chair space on the side of you.

Step Five: Take your Right hand and arm, and bring it over your head towards your left side. Bending now to the left, and extending your arm and palm of your hand down towards the floor near your LEFT side. You are stretching the right side of your body and back with this stretch by bending over to the left. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose as you can. Release and put your hands back on your legs. You can repeat for as long as you need to.

Let’s proceed with one more stretch for today. We will maintain and use the same sitting position.

New Stretch:

(Stretch your arms upward and interlock your hands over your head)

Step One: Lift your arms over your head and extend them upward as far as you can. Interlock your fingers. With your fingers clasped stretch from side to side as you breathe in and out through the nose. As you can. Do that several times back and forth from the right to left.

Step Two: Now stop your arms in the middle (arms still upward with your fingers still interlocked above your head.) Lean your arms and hands backward and push your chest slightly forward. Hold for a few seconds. Release.

Ahhh!! Doesn’t that feel better already?! By now with these simple stretches you got some blood flowing. That is one of the key points. It’s very important to leave your desk once and awhile too. Continue breathing and get that oxygen to your belly if you can.

Until next time. This is Yoga Kat

How To Do Chair Yoga Stretches To Relieve Back And Shoulder Strain

Here are a few more great stretches for your back, shoulders, and arms all while sitting in the chair. The point to most of these is to make time for your self and to do them consistently.

I suggest to all my clients and you that you will get greater benefit if you stretch at a minimum of ten minutes per day to about thirty minutes. We can usually find a few minutes here and there during our day. If you have less time do the minimum if you have more time, and you want to extend your stretch time, that’s all up to you. But I’m going to giving you a starting place.

Some more Easy Chair Stretches:

(Seated- Modified Fish)
Step One: Push your chair back from your desk for the time of stretching.

Step Two: Uncross your legs and sit with your legs slightly open, which is chair or hip width. Put your feet solidly on the ground. Your hands can rest on the tops of your thighs for now. During the stretching please breathe in and out through your nose only.

Step Three: Move your body away from the chair back so that you have a few inches behind you and the chair. Next place both of your hands on the chair seat behind your hips. Put your hands close together behind you on the chair seat.

Step Four: Arch your back and chest upward. Look up towards the ceiling. At this moment since you are leaning back you can breathe out of your MOUTH because any time you lean backwards that becomes a moment of release and you can breathe out of your mouth. Hold the position for a few minutes and then release. You can repeat as often as you like.

This stretches the arms, chest and shoulders and neck. It releases a lot of built up chest and shoulder tension and is a great refreshing moment of recharge.

New Stretch:
(Diagonal Twist)

Step One: You can sit fully back on your chair now.

Step Two: Uncross your legs and sit with your legs slightly open, which is chair or hip width. Put your feet solidly on the ground. Your hands can rest on the tops of your thighs for now. During the stretching please breathe in and out through your nose only.

Step Three: Take your LEFT ELBOW and bring it down to the outside of your RIGHT KNEE or as close as you can get it. Extend your arm and fingers downward by your leg. Keep your hand open. Now take your RIGHT ARM and hand and extend all the way up towards the ceiling. Turn your head towards the RIGHT SHOULDER and look at the ceiling. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose as you can. Release and come back to your original seating position.

Switch sides-

Step Four: Take your RIGHT ELBOW and bring it down to the outside of your LEFT KNEE or as close as you can get it. Extend your arm and fingers downward by your leg. Keep your hand open. Now take your LEFT ARM and hand and extend all the way up towards the ceiling. Turn your head towards the LEFT SHOULDER and look at the ceiling. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose as you can. Release and come back to your original seating position.

This is a great diagonal twist across your back, your arms, and chest. You may feel a nice release in your lower back. You can repeat these simple exercises for as many times as you like.

New Stretch:
(Forward Extension and Stretch)

Step One: Sit with your hands palms down close to your body on the tops of your legs. The fingers are pointing in the direction of your knees.

Step Two: You are now going to slide your hands all the way down your legs. Down past your knees and continue down towards your feet. Bend your body over your legs as you do this.

Step Three: When you reach your feet, stretch and extend your arms straight out towards the floor in front of your feet and beyond. Keep extending outward and upward with your arms.

Step Four: Grasp your two thumbs together as you extend your fingers out and upward.
Your arms are now going to come upward off the floor. Keep extending upward.

Step Five: As you are lifting your body and arms upward from the bent over position, your arms, and hands extend upward, and continue to arch backward. Keep your thumbs together. Now push your chest slightly forward. Hold for a few seconds. Release.

Step Six: Repeat this forward extension and stretch a few times. This stretch is really beneficial to extend the spine and back. As an added benefit it stretches the arms, chest, and shoulders, and you get some needed oxygen to the brain.

Take a few moments each day to do some of these simple stretches. You will feel a difference in the flexibility of your spine and back, and you will feel that your mind will be clearer and sharper in just a few minutes. Anything that you can do is better than not doing it.

How To Do Chair Yoga Stretches To Relieve Back And Shoulder Strain

Here are a few more great stretches for your back, shoulders, and arms all while sitting in the chair. The point to most of these is to make time for your self and to do them consistently.

I suggest to all my clients and you that you will get greater benefit if you stretch at a minimum of ten minutes per day to about thirty minutes. We can usually find a few minutes here and there during our day. If you have less time do the minimum if you have more time, and you want to extend your stretch time, that’s all up to you. But I’m going to giving you a starting place.

Some more Easy Chair Stretches:

(Seated- Modified Fish)
Step One: Push your chair back from your desk for the time of stretching.

Step Two: Uncross your legs and sit with your legs slightly open, which is chair or hip width. Put your feet solidly on the ground. Your hands can rest on the tops of your thighs for now. During the stretching please breathe in and out through your nose only.

Step Three: Move your body away from the chair back so that you have a few inches behind you and the chair. Next place both of your hands on the chair seat behind your hips. Put your hands close together behind you on the chair seat.

Step Four: Arch your back and chest upward. Look up towards the ceiling. At this moment since you are leaning back you can breathe out of your MOUTH because any time you lean backwards that becomes a moment of release and you can breathe out of your mouth. Hold the position for a few minutes and then release. You can repeat as often as you like.

This stretches the arms, chest and shoulders and neck. It releases a lot of built up chest and shoulder tension and is a great refreshing moment of recharge.

New Stretch:
(Diagonal Twist)

Step One: You can sit fully back on your chair now.

Step Two: Uncross your legs and sit with your legs slightly open, which is chair or hip width. Put your feet solidly on the ground. Your hands can rest on the tops of your thighs for now. During the stretching please breathe in and out through your nose only.

Step Three: Take your LEFT ELBOW and bring it down to the outside of your RIGHT KNEE or as close as you can get it. Extend your arm and fingers downward by your leg. Keep your hand open. Now take your RIGHT ARM and hand and extend all the way up towards the ceiling. Turn your head towards the RIGHT SHOULDER and look at the ceiling. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose as you can. Release and come back to your original seating position.

Switch sides-

Step Four: Take your RIGHT ELBOW and bring it down to the outside of your LEFT KNEE or as close as you can get it. Extend your arm and fingers downward by your leg. Keep your hand open. Now take your LEFT ARM and hand and extend all the way up towards the ceiling. Turn your head towards the LEFT SHOULDER and look at the ceiling. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose as you can. Release and come back to your original seating position.

This is a great diagonal twist across your back, your arms, and chest. You may feel a nice release in your lower back. You can repeat these simple exercises for as many times as you like.

New Stretch:
(Forward Extension and Stretch)

Step One: Sit with your hands palms down close to your body on the tops of your legs. The fingers are pointing in the direction of your knees.

Step Two: You are now going to slide your hands all the way down your legs. Down past your knees and continue down towards your feet. Bend your body over your legs as you do this.

Step Three: When you reach your feet, stretch and extend your arms straight out towards the floor in front of your feet and beyond. Keep extending outward and upward with your arms.

Step Four: Grasp your two thumbs together as you extend your fingers out and upward.
Your arms are now going to come upward off the floor. Keep extending upward.

Step Five: As you are lifting your body and arms upward from the bent over position, your arms, and hands extend upward, and continue to arch backward. Keep your thumbs together. Now push your chest slightly forward. Hold for a few seconds. Release.

Step Six:
Repeat this forward extension and stretch a few times. This stretch is really beneficial to extend the spine and back. As an added benefit it stretches the arms, chest, and shoulders, and you get some needed oxygen to the brain.

Take a few moments each day to do some of these simple stretches. You will feel a difference in the flexibility of your spine and back, and you will feel that your mind will be clearer and sharper in just a few minutes. Anything that you can do is better than not doing it.

Good Yoga Chair Stretches for your Hip and Legs

These modified yoga stretches are designed in and around the chair for the less mobile but they can work for anyone who is confined to the desk for long periods of time. Of course I suggest that you get up and leave the desk stretch and breath at least ten minutes per day. If you can’t leave your desk for that period of time these modified yoga stretches for the chair are a very good alternative. They offer strength, balance, flexibility and an opportunity to stretch your tired muscles and clear your mind and refocus on the important tasks at hand.

So let’s begin. The best chair to use for these modified yoga stretches would be a straight back chair, without wheels, and without arms. The chair should be sturdy and stable. A folding chair that is fairly sturdy would also work well. Our starting point as usual is described in step one and two.

Step One: Push your chair back from your desk for the time of stretching.

Step Two: Uncross your legs and sit with your legs slightly open, which is chair or hip width. Put your feet solidly on the ground. Your hands can rest on the tops of your thighs for now. During the stretching please breathe in and out through your nose as best you can.

The first one offers you arm strength. It’s very simple to get there but not so easy to hold yourself up. But let’s try to do just that.

(Modified Incline Plane)
Step Three: Push your body slightly away from the chair back. Next
extend your legs out in front of you, and keep your feet shoulder width or chair width apart.

Step Four: Hold onto the chair seat close to your hips. Brace yourself, because you are going to lift your hips off the chair seat. When you lift up your body you are taking your body weight onto your arms which strengthens the arms and shoulders.

Step Five: Lean your head back and fully extend your legs. Keep your hips off the seat. You are now getting the full benefit of the modified incline plane. Hold the position as long as you can but I suggest that you hold the pose for about ten to twenty five seconds. Hold the pose Longer if you have stamina.

Step Six: Release the pose and sit back down on the seat and rest.

Step Seven: You can repeat this exercise as many times as is convenient.

New Stretch:
(Hip Stretch)

Step One: Go back to the original sitting position. During the stretching please do the best you can to breathe in and out through your nose only.

Step Two: We are now going to stretch the hips and legs. Take your RIGHT foot and ankle and place it across your LEFT knee. Now you are going to lean forward and down over your crossed leg. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breathe in and out only through your nose.

Step Three: Lift your body up. For an added stretch you can press your RIGHT elbow down on your RIGHT knee as you lean over.

Step Four: Release your foot and place it back on the floor.

Switch Sides-

Step Five: Take your LEFT foot and ankle and place it across your RIGHT knee. Now you are going to lean forward and down over your crossed leg. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breathe in and out only through your nose.

Step Six: Release your foot and place it back on the floor. Breathe!!

New Stretch:
(Modified forward Bend and Leg Stretch)

For this exercise you need enough space in front of you so that you will be able to fully extend your leg forward. For this exercise you may also want to have available a strap, belt, or towel. The strap should be firm and not have any bounce or give to it. I’ll show you how to use it in just a moment.

Step One: Bring your Right knee into your chest and grab hold with your hands. This helps to stretch the hip and hamstring, (back of your leg.) Hold this for 5-15 seconds.

Step Two: Next try to brace your left elbow and arm on your left knee if you can reach. This helps to hold your leg out in front of you. Stretch your right leg out in front of you. Keep the level of your leg close to your knee height of the other leg. So your leg is straight out in front of you. Your left arm can be resting on your left leg for support. You lean over towards the knees. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Come out.

The Alternative Pose with help from the Strap Or Belt: When you use a strap or belt the idea is to get leverage on the stretch. It can assist you if you are not so flexible or your strength is not too developed.

The width of the strap or belt can be approximately half of an inch to about two inches wide, and the length should be about three feet long to longer. Roll your towel length wise to accommodate the 2 inch width and three feet length. If you are at home you can also use a pillow case that doesn’t have any give. Roll up the towel or the pillow case as described.

In the extended leg position that we are discussing you can hold firmly each end of the strap in each hand. Place your foot in the middle of the strap and press your foot out against the strap or belt and bend your body forward towards your knee. In this case you are pulling on the strap ends as you pull yourself towards your foot. The height position of the extended leg is still at the same the level of the resting knee.

Step Three: At this point your leg is extended out in front of you either by you holding onto your leg, or holding onto the ends of the straps. Next, start bringing your leg upward towards your face or head. This is a great stretch for your back, the back of the legs and calf muscles. Release.

Switch Sides:

Step Four: First position is to bring your left knee into your chest and grab hold with your hands. This helps to stretch the hip and hamstring, (back of your leg.) Hold this for 5-15 seconds.

Step Five: Stretch your left leg out in front of you. By either holding onto your leg or using your strap as previously described. Keep the level of your leg close to your knee height of the other leg. So your leg is straight out in front of you. Your right arm can be resting on your right leg for support. Lean over towards the knees. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds.

Step Six: At this point your leg is extended out in front of you either by you holding onto your leg, or holding onto the ends of the straps. Next, start bringing your leg upward towards your face or head. This is a great stretch for your back, the back of the legs and calf muscles. Release! Come out and relax! Good job!

I think that is all for today. I hope that you are enjoying our modified chair yoga stretches. More importantly you are stretching muscles that may have been frozen for a very long time. It’s going to take some time to get your flexibility back if you haven’t moved for a long time. But don’t lose hope. This is a very good start. Until next time.


While you’re sitting or standing you can stretch your arms and shoulders. If you are lifting weights this is always a good idea to stretch the muscles that you just worked out.

For this article we will continue to use the picture of someone who is seated. Now we are going to stretch the Triceps (backside of the arms) and the top of the shoulder.

(Tricep Stretch)
Step One: Push your chair back from your desk for the time of stretching.

Step Two: Uncross your legs and sit with your legs slightly open, which is chair or hip width. Put your feet solidly on the ground. Your hands can rest on the tops of your thighs for now. During the stretching please breathe in and out through your nose only.

Step Three: Take your RIGHT hand and fold it back on the shoulder blade of the same arm. Your elbow is pointing up and your hand is resting on the shoulder but more towards the back. Use your LEFT hand and take a hold of the elbow. Pull the elbow straight back towards your back. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs.

Switch Sides-
Step Four: Take your LEFT hand and fold it back on the shoulder blade of the same arm. Your elbow is pointing up and your hand is resting on the shoulder but more towards the back. Use your RIGHT hand and take a hold of the elbow. Pull the elbow straight back towards your back. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs.

New Stretch:

(Shoulder and Tricep Stretch)

Step One: Take your RIGHT arm and stretch it across your chest and extend it past your Left shoulder. Take your LEFT HAND and grab hold of the extended arm close to the elbow and pull it in towards the chest. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs.

Switch Sides-
Step Two: Take your RIGHT arm and stretch it across your chest and extend it past your Left shoulder. Take your LEFT HAND and grab hold of the extended arm close to the elbow and pull it in towards the chest. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs.

New Stretch:
(Tricep and Shoulder Stretch with Your Fingers Interlocked Behind Your Back)

Step One: For this stretch a straight backed chair without arms is necessary. You are going to change your seating position and swivel your body and legs to the right or left so that the back of the chair is now resting against the side of your body, and elbows. Now your arms are free. With your arms clear of the back of the chair you are going to interlock your hands behind your back over the side of the chair. With your arms interlocked you are going to lift them up as high as you can to the ceiling. Do this without bending your body over. Don’t let your head drop, keep it up.

The upward lift of the arms is a great stretch for the arms, triceps, shoulders, and chest.

Step Two: Now as best you can with your arms still pressing upward and the fingers still interlocked behind your back, you are going to swing your hands and arms to the right and left of your body. Move your arms back and forth which greatly adds to the stretch and releases any built up tension there in your arms and shoulders.

Step Three: Stop moving your arms back and forth. Now we are going to lean over the body still with the hands interlocked behind you. Try to press your arms straight up in the back of you as you lean your body down over your legs. Let your head down now to relax the neck muscles. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs.

These stretches are mostly warm up stretches but if your have tight arms and shoulders muscles doing just these are very effective. You’re done! That’s today’s lesson.


Hello everyone,

Determination goes very well together with discipline. Determination is deciding that something is a fact, or that you are firm about your position. When you are determined to achieve something, you will do whatever it takes to achieve that result. It is a force of your mind that becomes evident, that will not take no for an answer. In your mind and your heart you have determined that there is an answer or solution and that you will discover it.

When you have determination, you push beyond resistance in your mind, which says you can’t do something, and you find a way to do and do it well. With that same determination, you push yourself physically beyond your comfort level, to new heights of success. You have determined in your mind the end outcome and until you have achieved that, you do not stop. Through sheer determination alone, many people have achieved great results, and you can too. Determination with discipline, patience, focus, and stamina can propel you to great successes and great rewards.

Determination is the grit that gets you through a journey. It is the force of will to do all the little details just as well as the big ones. It is moving through and finding a way when there is no way. It is trying everything and then adding new things to get the results that you want. It is tapping into all your known resources, and pushing past your previous limits, to take the lead. You are constantly focused on how to achieve the results that you have set for yourself.

If you don’t know how to proceed, determination helps get you through the next phase, through the steps of learning, growing, and building, one step at a time and one process at a time. There is a strong place deep within you that you tap into when you are exhausted, stumped, or at a dead end. It is from this strong place that determination is born. It says, “I will not be defeated. I will get this task done.”

It is here that you press on, that you make a decision not to quit. It is because you have decided that what you are trying to achieve is important, and worthy for you to complete. You have felt in your heart that the outcome will be very good, or even great. All dreams require determination to make a reality. Anyone who accomplished something in this life had great determination to do so.

You can accomplish your dreams with determination. You can accomplish anything that you want. Be determined in an outcome and slowly but surely, or even quite rapidly you will see your dreams coming closer and finally become a reality. That is the greatest feeling in the world: when you have achieved something that you have set out to accomplish. No one can take that feeling, or the work that it took to accomplish it, away from you.

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by sending an e-mail to my website

Friday, April 11, 2008


Hello this is Yoga Kat.

Living your life doesn’t have to be about making money. Many souls have created lives of teaching, helping others, feeding others, raising awareness of this planet, doing what they love to do.
They are rewarded in many different ways. There are many ways in which to be compensated: the smile of a child for the first time that you brought hope to, the embrace of someone whose life you have touched, being aware that a community is changing because of your efforts, or knowing that a young man is not going to choose the gang life because of your kind words of encouragement and because you made yourself available to him. Because you chose awareness, and a conscious life, it is possible that you have become a living example to others and that a chain reaction of good and positive is started because of you.
Conscious living changes the vibration of the planet. I will not be afraid just because everyone else is. I choose to see who and what is in front of me and make a conscious decision based on the information that is coming in at that precise moment.
Think about it. When you are consciously choosing what you want to consume, who you will spend time with, what you will be entertained by, who you will call evil, how you will react, what you call valuable, what you choose to expose, or let go of, or put away, you are changing the environment directly around you: the people, the consequences, and the vibration. People will notice and respond, and the energy around you will respond. It is exactly like sending a wave through a pool. It will reach all parts of the water with a subtlety or a great force but the wave will be registered energetically. If you keep up the wave, the still pool will become a wave pool. It will no longer be the same pool.
When you choose to live consciously you wake yourself from that deep slumber. You begin to clearly see the orchestrated movements, the resistance, and the illusions all around you. You begin to realize that you are force and that your thoughts and actions can and do direct the energy around you, and will impact immediately around you as well as on a global level.
Remember, if you are pushing waves out, more and more ripples are going to be created and ripple out further and further until the waves are spanning the whole globe and even the universe.
This is Yoga Kat. Thanks for visiting.
Please visit my website at
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Hello this is Yoga Kat

I wanted to call this one Inspirational You. This is based on a true personal experience that I will tell you about in this blog...

If you don't want to read all this click the link for my video
This is based on Oprah’s new TV show called The Big Give. In the show, contestants are encouraged to give of their time, energy and the show’s money. It’s amazing and inspiring to see how they do in the tasks each week to help total strangers.
Some with astronomical challenges!

After watching the show, I felt inspired to do some of my own Big Giving. So on one particular day. I decided to take some cash and go and find a woman with a child to help her out.
I kept my eyes and ears open as to how to be of assistance. The first opportunity that I had was when I saw a family at their car on the side of the road with the hood up. It was fairly obvious that they needed a jump.

So I came over and assisted with my cables. They were grateful and on their way.
In the same block that I had seen the family with car trouble there was another woman in a similar situation. But another person stopped to help jump her car.
How interested that two women needed a jump on the same block. But I felt that a chain reaction of assistance was being started and shared.

Next I was in search of finding a random person to give of my hard earned money. I found a woman with her 15 month old granddaughter in Target’s parking lot. I spoke to her and I felt joy to give her my two bills. I’m not going to tell you how much that was. But for me it was hard earn money.
She couldn’t believe that I was giving her money. She was moved to tears and I was moved to tears as she told me that was the nicest thing that anyone had done for her. I’m just sharing with you what happened. I hope this doesn’t sound like I’m bragging.

I asked that she say a prayer for me, and pay some of it forward. Then I left. I put this out to the universe that I was planting this good vibration into this woman’s life.

When I returned home. Things started to manifest for me. My list of subscribers to my newsletter went from 6 to 250 people in two days. I started to get e-mails from people asking to receive my newsletter and a Positive thinking poster that I designed. One woman wrote from the Territory of The American Samoa which is in Pago Pago to request my Inspirational poster, and that she wanted to inspire her students with positive thinking.

After giving that woman money,
I thought one day I want to be able give away 1000 dollars randomly!
I want to touch someone’s life in a huge way.

So I’d like to challenge you to connect with people who may be in need of your time and attention. It doesn’t have to be money. It can be time spent with someone who can’t get out of the house. Or by taking an elderly neighbor grocery shopping. Perhaps you know of a single mother who would enjoy a moment to get away from the pressure of raising her children. Look everyone needs a break sometimes.

I suggest to you that you open yourself
to seeing opportunities like I did to help someone and then put that into focus and let yourself be led throughout the day. You’ll be surprised at the people connection you make and how good both of you will feel.
What talent do you have that may inspire someone?
What can you do right now that can make a huge difference to someone? Or an organization? I’m sure with some thought not only for yourself but for the others around you that you can come up with simple ways to extraordinary ways to touch someone’s heart and life. But in the end your own heart will definitely be bigger too.
This is Yoga Kat

Post a comment.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

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Yoga Kat Offers Insight

Let's make 2008 a very good year!! Regards Yoga Kat

About Me

United States
I'm a yoga teacher for children and adults. I teach children ages 3-5 and I am an Author. You can see many of my videos of me speaking on the topics of my book. I have written more than 86 articles on many different topics from the spiritual life, to running a small business. I have many unusual and creative ideas that may interest you and put some money in your hands.