Friday, May 2, 2008


While you’re sitting or standing you can stretch your arms and shoulders. If you are lifting weights this is always a good idea to stretch the muscles that you just worked out.

For this article we will continue to use the picture of someone who is seated. Now we are going to stretch the Triceps (backside of the arms) and the top of the shoulder.

(Tricep Stretch)
Step One: Push your chair back from your desk for the time of stretching.

Step Two: Uncross your legs and sit with your legs slightly open, which is chair or hip width. Put your feet solidly on the ground. Your hands can rest on the tops of your thighs for now. During the stretching please breathe in and out through your nose only.

Step Three: Take your RIGHT hand and fold it back on the shoulder blade of the same arm. Your elbow is pointing up and your hand is resting on the shoulder but more towards the back. Use your LEFT hand and take a hold of the elbow. Pull the elbow straight back towards your back. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs.

Switch Sides-
Step Four: Take your LEFT hand and fold it back on the shoulder blade of the same arm. Your elbow is pointing up and your hand is resting on the shoulder but more towards the back. Use your RIGHT hand and take a hold of the elbow. Pull the elbow straight back towards your back. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs.

New Stretch:

(Shoulder and Tricep Stretch)

Step One: Take your RIGHT arm and stretch it across your chest and extend it past your Left shoulder. Take your LEFT HAND and grab hold of the extended arm close to the elbow and pull it in towards the chest. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs.

Switch Sides-
Step Two: Take your RIGHT arm and stretch it across your chest and extend it past your Left shoulder. Take your LEFT HAND and grab hold of the extended arm close to the elbow and pull it in towards the chest. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs.

New Stretch:
(Tricep and Shoulder Stretch with Your Fingers Interlocked Behind Your Back)

Step One: For this stretch a straight backed chair without arms is necessary. You are going to change your seating position and swivel your body and legs to the right or left so that the back of the chair is now resting against the side of your body, and elbows. Now your arms are free. With your arms clear of the back of the chair you are going to interlock your hands behind your back over the side of the chair. With your arms interlocked you are going to lift them up as high as you can to the ceiling. Do this without bending your body over. Don’t let your head drop, keep it up.

The upward lift of the arms is a great stretch for the arms, triceps, shoulders, and chest.

Step Two: Now as best you can with your arms still pressing upward and the fingers still interlocked behind your back, you are going to swing your hands and arms to the right and left of your body. Move your arms back and forth which greatly adds to the stretch and releases any built up tension there in your arms and shoulders.

Step Three: Stop moving your arms back and forth. Now we are going to lean over the body still with the hands interlocked behind you. Try to press your arms straight up in the back of you as you lean your body down over your legs. Let your head down now to relax the neck muscles. Hold for approximately 5-15 seconds. Breath in and out only through your nose. Release and put your hands back on your legs.

These stretches are mostly warm up stretches but if your have tight arms and shoulders muscles doing just these are very effective. You’re done! That’s today’s lesson.

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About Me

United States
I'm a yoga teacher for children and adults. I teach children ages 3-5 and I am an Author. You can see many of my videos of me speaking on the topics of my book. I have written more than 86 articles on many different topics from the spiritual life, to running a small business. I have many unusual and creative ideas that may interest you and put some money in your hands.