Friday, April 11, 2008


Hello this is Yoga Kat.

Living your life doesn’t have to be about making money. Many souls have created lives of teaching, helping others, feeding others, raising awareness of this planet, doing what they love to do.
They are rewarded in many different ways. There are many ways in which to be compensated: the smile of a child for the first time that you brought hope to, the embrace of someone whose life you have touched, being aware that a community is changing because of your efforts, or knowing that a young man is not going to choose the gang life because of your kind words of encouragement and because you made yourself available to him. Because you chose awareness, and a conscious life, it is possible that you have become a living example to others and that a chain reaction of good and positive is started because of you.
Conscious living changes the vibration of the planet. I will not be afraid just because everyone else is. I choose to see who and what is in front of me and make a conscious decision based on the information that is coming in at that precise moment.
Think about it. When you are consciously choosing what you want to consume, who you will spend time with, what you will be entertained by, who you will call evil, how you will react, what you call valuable, what you choose to expose, or let go of, or put away, you are changing the environment directly around you: the people, the consequences, and the vibration. People will notice and respond, and the energy around you will respond. It is exactly like sending a wave through a pool. It will reach all parts of the water with a subtlety or a great force but the wave will be registered energetically. If you keep up the wave, the still pool will become a wave pool. It will no longer be the same pool.
When you choose to live consciously you wake yourself from that deep slumber. You begin to clearly see the orchestrated movements, the resistance, and the illusions all around you. You begin to realize that you are force and that your thoughts and actions can and do direct the energy around you, and will impact immediately around you as well as on a global level.
Remember, if you are pushing waves out, more and more ripples are going to be created and ripple out further and further until the waves are spanning the whole globe and even the universe.
This is Yoga Kat. Thanks for visiting.
Please visit my website at
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About Me

United States
I'm a yoga teacher for children and adults. I teach children ages 3-5 and I am an Author. You can see many of my videos of me speaking on the topics of my book. I have written more than 86 articles on many different topics from the spiritual life, to running a small business. I have many unusual and creative ideas that may interest you and put some money in your hands.